Monday, June 12, 2017

☀️☔️ A Week of Things and People ☔️☀️

In which I confuse everyone who has already seen Sister Smith's email.


Anyway. I have a lot less time now than if I had written this email instead of taking a nap. So let's get to it!

It's rained a toooon this week and it makes me the happiest.

Also I've been using this emoji a lot this week: 😐

Tuesday we did service at the HUM. Put some stamps on some envelopes. Sorted some newspapers. ("YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO READ THOSE" -Sister Sorensen)

We then were like an hour late to dinner because the ward clerk had previously cheated with his address so he'd be in a different ward. And so we were at his other house ages away instead of at his actual house down the street from us. 😐 They looooove to talk.

On Wednesday we went to Young Women's with K..., (the 14 year-old convert). Apparently there's a thing in our county right now where people are painting rocks and then hiding them all over. If you find one you can post where you found it, then either keep it or hide it again. And so we painted rocks! I painted a dragon. Pictures to come. I have yet to hide it though.

Thursday was Zone Conference! My original quad was reunited for a brief second and several photobombed pictures. :) :)

Zone Conference was, not surprisingly, all about Facebook. Focusing on obedience and our purpose and I don't even remember. Learned lots of stuff from the Spirit that wasn't actually stated. Which is always the best.

Later in the day we met a cute less active sister. She's still faithful and has a testimony... she's just recently been supporting her young grandson in his efforts to find faith... in the Catholic church. 😐

Friday. Planning. Cleaning out area book. And our phone which is full of useless contacts.

Uh. Went to a ward party for a sec.

Also met the dad of an old referral who let us almost get to the end of the Restoration, where we were about to invite him to do something, before telling us he was a preacher but he likes to learn. 😐 sooo. Maybe he'll read the Book of Mormon. Maybe.

Saturday was filled with silly animal encounters that entirely changed my attitude and thus the course of my day.

First, we met the Trents. She's less active because she runs a bar and it keeps her up at odd hours. That's the reason. 😐 But she has a dog that is my spirit animal. A chihuahua named Violet who doesn't really like people, or leaving her bed. Looks uncomfortable when she's getting attention. But kind of likes it also so she doesn't leave.

Then we met a less active who left the church and was a minister in another church. 😐 But is less active there now too. She was super sweet and we think she still has a testimony somewhere in there. She initially just had some struggles with testimony on certain things, and followed her husband when he went less active. :( She also wanted help with her computer, haha. And she has two sweet fat old dogs named Sir Loin and Lady Fingers. Haha.

Dinner with Sister Gr..., a recent convert who continues to be the sweetest. And her dog who is basically a teddy bear and makes the cuuuutest noises. He growls when you pet him. Precious. We talked to her about the temple because she has one more temple prep class left!!!!! YAY!

THEN WE SAW KITTENS ON A ROOF. KITTENS. ON. A. ROOF. I didn't manage a picture but I did get one of a dog under a garage door.

Also we met a guy named Nicolas who was like, "What are you doing? Sharing a message? I'll listen to that." Then gathered his family for prayer. And is feeding us tonight.

Sister Baenziger brought K.... to church on Sunday! :D Bless the Baenzigers. I haven't heard their name pronounced the same twice.

We're giving talks next week. 😐
I don't remember what else happened.

Today we just drove around and went shopping with the STLs. :) Which is partly why this email is so darn late.

Have a great week and look for the positive things! Don't be afraid to ask someone else for help if you're having a rough time seeing the good. That's what friends are for. :) Also counting your blessings is definitely a thing that works.

Love y'all.

Sister Stevenson

When your companion steals your iPad

Original quad! the raiiin




A safely contained alligator

Left behind in the rain

Left behind in the rain

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