Nah. But there were a lot of cats this week and I got to pet several
and it made me happy.
Tuesday Sister E...... called us and said
she'd be home and we could stop by if we wanted. Augh, I feel for her.
She's just having a hugely rough time because her husband is a
non-practicing Jehovah's Witness, but his family is suuuuper active
and just treats her like less than nothing. :( I just want her to have
the blessings of the gospel but I'm not sure she quite realizes she
needs it yet. I also held their smol bearded dragon. And learned that
her 15 year old son breeds ball pythons, which I'm SO EXCITED ABOUT.
We had dinner with Sister Lobrot and her kids (Brother Lobrot was
stuck in traffic in Orlando). She is the closest thing I've seen to
the kind of parent I want to be. And her kids are so dang smart and
I had to give a training in District Meeting on Wednesday, on faith
and how we can help our investigators to gain it. Cobbled together
some thoughts. Got some inordinate praise. I really liked a thought
that Elder Jensen, one of the Zone Leaders, shared. He talked about
the Apostles waiting for Christ when he was in Gethsemane, and that
they fell asleep. Then he said that this is an incredibly hard journey
for our investigators. We have to accompany them. We cannot fall
Sister Sproge (senior) came out with us! Aaand our appointments
cancelled/didn't show. :( So we visited the Ackermans. Or... Sister
Sproge visited with Sister Ackerman. And they both looove to talk.
We went to mutual with K...... again and played chair soccer.
Basically it's just a free-for-all where you have to guard your chair
and hit other people's with the ball. And if it's hit you have to sit
down, but you can still kick or throw the ball. 'Twas fun.
Thursday service at the HUM, in which we paid much more attention to
the feral cats. Someone that they know better came out, so one of them
came up to me and made all these little cute half meow and trill
noises. Also. There is a skunk that lives there. It's descented and it
showed up after Hurricane Matthew. I'll get a picture this week. And
hopefully will get to touch it.
We tried something new this week because knocking doors has been
failing us. We drew in chalk in a park! Just wrote an uplifting
message and put "" at both ends. *shrug* hopefully it
brightened someone's day.
Friday was planning. Dunno.
We were supposed to have dinner with Sister W..... but she didn't
answer her door or phone. And we were worried because she's sort of
old and has health issues. But we went on our way and got our own
dinner... then she called us back and said she had forgotten and asked
if we could come back. Haha. Two dinners.
Saturday we went to a memorial service at a new ward
building. It was for the mother of a less active, and he had requested
that Sister Brady and Sister Sorensen sing, when they were on
exchanges. We all ended up singing. And man it was an odd funeral.
They were mostly nonmembers. So glad that we have the Plan of
Salvation. So glad.
We had dinner with the Sproges (the younger) and my BEST FRIEND BILLY
BOY the pomeranian.
Sunday was wonderful. I love the Sacrament. We also had a Ward Council
meeting that was mostly focused on missionary work, which was
wonderful. In the past, we've kind of been shoved off to the side.
Bishop Baenziger really really wants to help us help the ward. Such a
good man.
We had dinner with Sister Fuller, who I had never formally met but had
probably seen. She has TEN CATS. One of them GAVE ME A HUG. It was
Then the Corders came and helped us out with some household things we
needed doing.
Ahh. It's been a week. This transfer has fairly flown. Here's a
scripture I found this week.
Doctrine and Covenants 90:11 "For it shall come to pass in that day,
that every man shall hear the fulness of the gospel in his own tongue,
and in his own language, through those who are ordained unto this
power, by the administration of the Comforter, shed forth upon them
for the revelation of Jesus Christ."
Which I've interpreted to mean, not only their own actual language,
but maybe in a different form or medium that they're more comfortable
with. Like facebook. SHARE THE GOSPEL.
I dunno.
I love y'all. Have a good week.
Sister Stevenson
A dinosaur I held. |
Sister W and Tank. |
My BEST FRIEND Billy Boy. |
Pday selfies bc why not |
Pday selfies bc why not |
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