Monday, April 17, 2017

Three Sisters in a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment. PARTY


This week has certainly been an adventure. Adjusting to being in a
trio is fun. We have a small apartment with three beds smashed into
one room. None of us quite know how to adequately feed ourselves.
We'll figure it out. This area is SO pretty. 

We also live right above Elder and Sister Corder, and they are
awesome. We have ice cream with them every Friday night. :)
Most of this week has been meeting people. Lots of people. I'll spare
y'all the details on every single person. :P

This week...
So Monday we said goodbye to the most important people. And finished
up packing and cleaning out the duplex. :( The blessed North Sisters helped
us until about 2 am. I will seriously miss that 
place and those people. After nearly 6 months, it feels like home.

Tuesday we drove up to the mission office, and Sister Petty went off
to her new area with her new companion. I stayed there for a couple hours
while waiting for my ride. My new STLs, Sister Brady and Sister
Glover, got me and all my stuff and we trekked up here! Met
Sister Peterson and greeted Sister Sorensen. :)

We got to meet Bishop Crookston on the first day; they took us out to
dinner. Apparently this ward has people moving in and out pretty
constantly, and it's really hard to keep track of people. So we've
made a goal to find as many less actives as we can, especially those
who nobody seems to know anything about.

Wednesday we had District meeting and met everyone. Sister Sorensen
and I are the only new people in the District.

Afterward we had our first lesson as a trio with Deanie, a super
promising lady who has started to read the Pearl of Great Price. The
Corders came too. With five missionaries, it was kind of a lot, haha.
But we managed to answer a lot of her questions and steer back on
topic fairly well.

We met our family on date for baptism! They're so awesome. K
is 14 and super sweet. Anthony and Amanda still have some things to
work on but we're so excited for them! They have two other kids, H
and R, who are adorable.

Unpacked most of my crap which made me feel better.

Thursday we met Brother Zancker and he's my favorite. We visit him
once a week and he builds a campfire for us. His house is a trailer
that he's added onto and painted. He has a fat cat named Jasper. He's
so funny and full of energy and just great to talk to. :D

Friday we did service at the Jewish Federation. We go there and one
other place every week. They give out food and supplies to those in
need. Since Easter was coming up, it was a bit crazier than normal.
People were so, so grateful though, for simple things like cooking
oil. It was awesome.

We went to our ward's game night and met some more people. I don't
remember anyone's name at this point. But I'll get there. :P
Ended the day with ice cream with the Corders and Brother Nuviadenu,
our ward mission leader. :)

Saturday we went and helped Brother Zancker paint! He'd built a little
structure over his firepit. He says he does stuff like that when he
gets bored. Before we started, I saw a little nose poking out of his
Then we drove up to the very top of our area, on the island. Super far
away, so stunning. I loved seeing the beach. <3

First Sunday in the new ward! There was only one youth
speaker, and the rest was musical numbers. It was great. We sang with
the choir. All the Primary kids sang "Gethsemane" and I spent the
whole time watching a Sunbeam boy who knew all the words. So precious.
We taught Young Women's and did decently for not planning it at all,
haha. They had some good questions and discussion, and that always

THEN. K got baptized! So great! The Spirit was so strong. And
since next week is a stake meeting where they're realigning all the
ward boundaries, she was able to be confirmed and receive the gift of
the Holy Ghost right after! :D It was such a cool experience. I really
like their family.

Sister Sorensen likes to get a blessing at the beginning of every
transfer, which is a fantastic idea. So we all went to Bishop
Crookston's house for that. I recommend it. The Priesthood is awesome.

I love you all lots and hope you have a great week. <3


Sister Stevenson

P.S. We sang with the choir on Easter Sunday:

Sisters Sorensen, Peterson, and Stevenson
New Companionship


The beach!

The river!

The Baptism 
Because Squad. Right before transfers. 

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