Monday, February 20, 2017

Green dogs 🦎

Why hello!

Oh my goodness, Crafton Hills is SO GREEN! Is it that green everywhere? It's gorgeous! I'm glad you've gotten rain! Though I've heard that there's also been some flooding in California?

I also have a cold, and it's a nasty one. xP I have to cough all the time, which hurts, and it's affecting my sinuses enough that my teeth hurt because of it. Fun. I had to leave during meetings a couple of times yesterday to cough and die a little. :P Hope you start feeling better soon.

Found out this week that we can't have dinners with other companionships, which is a bummer. Glad we didn't know about that rule over the holidays. :P It's been nice to have that time with the other Sisters.

Don't worry about boring me. I like reading letters regardless of the content, haha. It's a nice diversion for a little while. It's crazy to me that George is 9 months! Cathy sends me pictures and I share them with everyone. :)

It was interesting.

Last Monday we four just partied together. Sister Lamborn made scones and cookies for us. It was a good day.

Tuesday we had interviews with President, so we also had early District meeting. Elder Bone likes having us just go around and bear testimony, so this week we all bore our testimonies of Jesus Christ. We also were all told to prepare a thought on a Christlike attribute. I spoke about humility. Preach My Gospel says that pride is the opposite of humility. I talked about how self-criticism and doubt are also opposed to humility and prevent us from receiving blessings. I was once told that self-criticism (specifically for a missionary) is a lack of faith in those who have called you.

President gave everyone little Orlando temple pins. :) He reminded me of the support I have around me, and told me I need to be friends with both Sisters and Elders. And to ask for blessings. 

Went to Woodsby's, a cute lil diner. There was a guy there that talked to us the whole time. About how missions work, about the church ranch (did you know the church owns 2 percent of Florida?)... He prayed for our meal, haha.

We also caught a frog that was on our window. Bothered him until he hopped out of reach. Didn't manage to get a picture though.

Wednesday we did Castle at GKTW!! :D It's Sister Petty's favorite. She likes to sit and color. They had some great pillows there this week.

We went and tracted a little pocket of our area that I'd never been to. It had really cute neighborhoods and some really kind people.

Visited Tati; she's planning on staying in Puerto Rico for a while so her mom can take care of her. :( Her baby, was showing off for us, haha. Spinning around and laughing and talking. I've gotten to watch him grow so much.

Thursday we met the most golden investigator and we're super excited about it. Kerryann was a Bible/Book of Mormon referral, and had gone to church before in Jamaica. She said she'd gone to other churches and felt like a visitor, but our church just felt right. She kept saying, "I believe that."

Met with Siteria again! She'd been super busy and hadn't read from the Book of Mormon, but asked us when we got there if we could read together. So we read the introduction and the testimonies of the three and eight witnesses. She had some awesome questions. We helped her understand and also talked about our lives as missionaries.

Friday I took a sick day. I just felt gross from this cold and needed to sleep. We both slept for a couple extra hours and took it slow the rest of the day.

We met the Lealaitafeas (I still don't know how to pronounce their name), a less active family that I've never met, because they have a camera to see who's at the door. :P He's super sweet though and fed us... puligi? Some kind of Samoan fruitcake. Sister Petty played on his ukulele. He said he'd been praying about coming back to church, and that he was kind of expecting to see us. :)

Saturday we went to another baptism! The North Sisters have been teaching Ulysses for quite a while, and he's been coming to church at least since I've been here. He's a cool guy. It was awesome. :) I got to play piano for it last minute.

We went to the end of the Young Women's fundraiser dinner for camp. In the end we mostly just helped clean up and vacuumed the mess.

We all four went to the Egg's house and visited for a while. Held their chameleon (or as Sister Parish calls it apparently, their green dog) Jazz. That was awesome. Sister Petty made me rap Hamilton for everyone. :P Definitely missionary appropriate.

Christian spoke in church on Sunday! He's only been a member for a week and he's already giving fantastic talks on missionary work. He's going to be such a great missionary.

Instead of having Gospel Principles (because Ulysses is now going to Gospel Doctrine and there were no investigators or others to attend), Brother Wilson asked Sister Petty and I to roleplay teaching the Restoration to the few who were there, so they could see how we teach. *shrug* Roleplays are always a little weird.

Taught Kiara, someone we were kind of led to a couple weeks ago! She had some good questions about whether God wants the separation and contention that exists in different religions, or if He would want everyone to unite and respect and share their faith. She thinks that some of what we teach is super cool, which is awesome. :)

All in all, it's been a pretty great week. There have been ups and downs. But there has also just been that confirmation from the Spirit that I'm where I need to be and who I need to be with. Florida is awesome. Pleasant Hill is awesome. Sister Petty is fantastic. :D

Hope you all have a great week!


A tree I liked against a sky I liked.

Sister Petty with Ol' Elmer the tree at GKTW.

Inside Mayor Clayton's house (he's a bunny) at GKTW.

Cute Baby Girl of Woman we're teaching. 

We got Slurpees and Sister Petty demanded selfies.

                                                                 THE EGG'S GREEN DOG.

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