O-Town? Haha.
We've been so so busy this week. It's hard to believe only 10 days have passed.
On Saturday I felt absolutely miserable and sick to my stomach. I tried to just push past it and exercise, but kept feeling gross. And it turns out the medical center is closed on weekends (we're not quite sure what weekends are anymore). So I bought some Alka Seltzer... which is absolutely disgusting. Never ever use Alka Seltzer. If I didn't feel like throwing up before using it, I certainly did afterwards.
So I asked the Elders in my district for a blessing. I don't think any of them had ever given a blessing before. It was incredibly powerful. I've gotten comfort from blessings before, but this solidified my testimony of blessings of healing. I've felt mostly fine since then. I don't know if it was just stress or actually sickness, but either way, the power of the priesthood is absolutely real.
I also lucked out with my district. We've had a few little arguments, but for the most part we all get along amazingly. We can be stupid and goofy and laugh, but we have also all taught with and felt the Spirit so strongly in our little cramped classroom. We've primarily got two teachers, Brother Droge and Sister Brennan. They like answering questions with questions to help us figure things out, which is super frustrating sometimes, even though it works. There are four sisters (me and Sister Sorensen; Sisters Page and Christiansen who are going to California, Ventura) and 5 Elders (Elders Daines and Whitehead, who are capable of being spiritual but are also super bizarre and confusing sometimes, are going to Pittsburgh. Elders Heywood (also Pittsburgh), De Priest, and Merchen (also Orlando)). There was a 6th Elder but he had to return home. :(
Sunday was great. Sister Sorensen (with an "e", so I don't think it's the same as Liza's comp) and I are now in charge of picking music for Sundays. We walked around the temple (there are families who wait to see their missionaries on Sundays, and it's absurd and distracting. there are actually signs around the temple that say "Don't Write on the Sidewalk" because weird moms leave chalk messages). And I bore my testimony in Sacrament meeting for the first time ever. I'd never experienced that "nudge" that people talk about until this Sunday. We also had a devotional from President Heaton on how repentance is not a bad word, we should be excited to teach about it.
My entire district participated in choir this week, which was SO COOL. Brother Eggett, the choir director, is hilarious. We sang an arrangement of "Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer" (not the original tune). Tuesday night as we walked in to practice before the devotional, I saw Uncle Mike! Walked up and said, "I can't hug you" as I shook his hand. And then I heard "BUT YOU CAN HUG MEEEE!" So I got a huge hug from Alicia. :)
That night was so incredible too. There had been a rumor going around that the devotional speaker was going to be an apostle. As we sang the prelude hymns (Praise to the Man), Elder Bednar walked in. The Spirit as we sang songs about prophets with him was amazing. He and his wife talked to us about how to get more out of Conference talks, that the most recent General Conference "should be our walk and talk for the next 6 months".
I didn't actually get earphones. I've just been reading scriptures or talking to people. I looove the exercise bikes. I think the speaker just works with bluetooth. I've also heard a rumor that my mission president is super strict with music. :( Sister Sorensen and I are hoping that rumor isn't true.
Sis Sorensen and I got two new "investigators" this week (they've told us that most of the investigators we teach will be members, but some of them are not, and regardless they're all real people with real problems). It's been quite an experience learning to teach, teaching, and then learning more that makes us both feel like we did it a little wrong the first time. But absolutely incredible when we recognize that we weren't teaching, the Spirit took over and guided us on what to say (especially on the days where we've had about 20 minutes to plan a 45 minute lesson, and we just have a couple ideas, pray, and go with it). Sister Sorensen also has some AMAZING insights. I think sometimes we're both a little afraid to open our mouths, but we feed pretty well on each other when the other doesn't know what to say.
The biggest focus is obviously teaching with the Spirit, but they also emphasize getting to know your investigators so you can adapt the lesson to what they need to draw closer to Christ. It's challenging sometimes, but we're all improving.
We are in one of three Zones in the MTC who have the "privilege" of using the referral center. Starting this week, we're going in once a day to talk to people on the phone about their request for a free Bible/Book of Mormon. We're also supposed to give them a spiritual message. I hate phone calls. The first time on Wednesday stressed me out so so much. Sister Brennan noticed and gave me the chance to leave the room for a minute so I could cry and have a hug and pull myself together. I love her, she's a fantastic teacher and incredibly supportive. She gave Sister Sorensen and me a little pep talk last night on how we shouldn't expect to have an 18 month mission in a week, that she can see the Spirit working in us, and that if we have thoughts of inadequacy or doubt ourselves, those thoughts do NOT come from God.
The worst thing this week has been utter exhaustion. I've gotten to bed a little past 10:30 most nights, and most days we get up before 6:30. And we're busy, busy, busy all day long. The day closes with THREE HOURS of class time. So it's hit me a little harder the past couple nights, mostly because of how tired I am. The other worst thing is that the cafeteria promised shepherd's pie, but delivered chicken on top of mashed potatoes. So disappointing.
I was so excited to see Natalie and Aunt Michelle yesterday! It's awesome to know that I have family close by. (I keep running into Jaren too.)
I have loved the opportunities to get to know my district, and particularly the Sisters. We just sat and talked yesterday, because none of us had investigators to teach yesterday. It's interesting to me that people who might have never otherwise met, or maybe wouldn't have been friends in the "real world" can become so close and trust each other in just a week. We're actually incredibly similar, though that wouldn't be apparent at first glance. And I've told my District the 3 Nephi 3:7 joke. They all absolutely loved it. :D They're including it in their emails home.
We went to the temple again today and did an endowment session! It's been a while since I'd gone, and it was absolutely gorgeous. I love the temple. We got to see the sunrise colors as we walked there, too.
Oh, and I got roped into playing piano for the departing District in our Zone, because they're singing a special number in Sacrament meeting this Sunday.
Honestly, there's so, so much to say, it's hard to remember it all. I'm trying to write in a journal, but so much happens during a single day. I have to start carrying it with me. Basically, in summary, I've had some rough moments but I love it here. I love my companion and my roommates. I love our District. I love our investigators. I love the Spirit that's felt here, all the opportunities to study and pray. As our Branch President says, "There are more prayers offered per square foot here than anywhere in the world." I've been loving the fall colors and most everything. Except getting up at 6:20. Don't love that.
Thanks so much for the package! I laughed over the jerky. It's actually really good. And the socks are VERY useful. It's fun to get letters during the day, too. :) I'm glad you had more time with family and that you got home safely (though Imay have started crying when I read that you almost called me down for scriptures).
If I had any doubts before entering the MTC, I can now say that I entirely believe that the gospel is true. The power of the Spirit and the priesthood are so real. The Lord blesses us daily and is looking for opportunities to help us, if we reach out to Him. The testimonies of others that I've heard here are so strong and so powerful, and I've never had so many chances to share mine. There is strength in that. It helps us grow so much to share our own testimonies, and to listen to those of people close to us.
I hope you all have a good week. I love you. <3
1. The one is my district. Sister Sorensen, Elders Daines, Whitehead, Merchen, De Priest. Then me, Sisters Christiansen and Page, Elders Heywood and Feltner
.2. Sisters Christiansen and Page
3 and 4. I tried to be creative with mine and my comp's tags.
5. Walking to the temple before 8 am! So early! Such an unexpected hill!
6. Sister Sorensen and me after doing sealings.
7. Jaren! And presumably his District.
8. I needed a picture of one of the trees. The colors are amazing.
9. My District on Sunday. Note the gap between Sisters and Elders. (Page, Christiansen, Sorensen, Stevenson, Daines, Whitehead, Merchen, De Priest, and Heywood on the ground)
10. My Sisters :)
11. The Elders!
12. Me and my companion :)
13. Sisters again!
14. Sister Sorensen is NOT a fan of the food here, and her mom's trying to make sure she doesn't starve, haha.
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