Hey there!
Things I forgot to mention last week:
Things I forgot to mention last week:
1. I got a fidget spinner. If you don't know what that is, ask your local 10 year old. They definitely know. It drives Sister Sorensen a little bit crazy, but I love it. :P
2. I was standing outside the car one day last week, waiting to back Sister Sorensen out. Noticed a mockingbird. Whistled at it. It whistled back. I changed the tune. It copied. This went on for a couple minutes. It was awesome.
This week I've realized that I don't want to be as technology dependent as I used to be at home. Being out of the world is amazing. Trudging into the depths of my Facebook was the worst.
Tuesday we helped out at the HUM, doing our regular cleaning tasks. We were finished with a ton of time to spare, so we got to organize some junk. Yessss.
This ward has tons of part-member families. We've got tons of work ahead of us and we're excited about it. Sister Sz... is less active but wants to be active again and involve her nonmember husband and 9 year old daughter. Then Sister Ramirez, who is a suuuper solid member (also she's in her 50s but looks about 35. We were both confused). Her husband, John, doesn't speak a ton of English, so it should be interesting. But he loves to give and serve.
Wednesday was District meeting. Seems like we've got a great District. :) We now have Sister McCullough, who Sister Sorensen trained. And my new STL is SISTER LAMBORN and I'm rather excited about it.
We went and saw Leslie and her daughters again. They just invite us in at this point. The girls love us. :) "It's the ladies that talked about Jesus!" Taught a suuuper scattered lesson, but we just tried to follow the Spirit. Then we hyped up the Book of Mormon real hard and made it sound like the best thing to read ever (because it is), and Leslie said she'd read it! She has good questions. We really love them. Ahh.
Visited with Kh... (the 14-year-old that was baptized)! Her little sister loves seeing us now, and wants to come talk and play and run around with us.
Quote from this week:
Amanda: "Rh...., get inside."
Rh: "I wanna be with the sissers!" *crosses arms and pouts*
I love them.
Thursday. 7 months in Florida; what?
It was honestly the weirdest day and none of our plans happened. Everything just kept switching around. We helped Sister All.... again. We're worried about her and Penny (sweetest dog ever) and wish we could help her more. :(
We had dinner with Bishop and Sister Baenziger which turned into a meeting where we discussed ward unity and how we can get everyone, especially the youth, involved. There's only a couple dozen youth in the ward and only a handful come.
Then we watched the ocean from Bishop's balcony because dang. Florida is beautiful.
Friday we sort of planned? Mostly I just worked on cleaning out EIGHT YEARS OF FACEBOOK CRAP. Help.
We had dinner with Sister Waddell. She's so sweet and loves to serve and help the people around her, even if they've been awful to her.
Went to the HUM to feed the homeless. :) Our ward does this every 4th Saturday. It felt a lot less hectic this time; we had more helpers and less of a rush. It's just the best thing to me to see the pure gratitude of some of these people.
We had dinner with the Ho....; a mom and daughter. Our lesson went from one thing to a VERY DIFFERENT THING in which we just talked out their concerns about the church. They've just been pushed a lot instead of being allowed to deal with it in their own time and when they're ready. And it's pushed them away. We told them to just go sit outside the temple, not to worry about going inside. Just see it and feel the Spirit there. They need to work on what they can do, and they feel like they've been pushed to do what they don't feel ready for. Everyone's spiritual growth happens at different rates!
Sunday! Going to two wards
is tiring. But it's good. :)
Had dinner with the
Erskins, and they're awesome. We talked about board games and adoptions
and missionary work and the gathering of Israel...
Drove around beachside
and took the long way home. :)
It's been an
interesting week. And we have about $25 between us for groceries today. Heh.
But in the words of a fish, "When life gets you down, you know what you
gotta do? Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." And in the words of a
scripture that everyone around me enjoys quoting... "I can do all things
through Christ which strengtheneth me." Y'all can do it, whatever it is.
Keep on swimming! (Unless you're a missionary. That's not allowed.)
Love you all. Have a
great week. <3
Sister Stevenson
The beach from Bishop's balcony. |
Trying to be clever |
Cool birds doing cool things |
Cool birds doing cool things |
Cool birds doing cool things |
I live here and it's pretty |
Tried to get pictures of the moon |