Monday, November 28, 2016

Thanks for Snakes

Hello family!

Mom, you're a missionary?! So cool!

I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving. It was interesting to me to think that when I was going to sleep, you guys would have still been at dinner.

How awesome that David Robbins got baptized! That's so exciting. I don't think you'd told me that Kellie Felez had died.

Thanks for the music. I'm glad for the Sparrow in the Birch songs. :) The speaker works great, and so does the cuff. Thanks for sending that. :) Dunno when I'll get the other packages, but I'm excited.

And thanks for all your pictures! I love all the birds you're seeing. You NEED to come here with me after my mission. There are so many birds! I see multiple osprey every week, buzzards/vultures ALL OVER, ibises, storks/egrets/herons, little tiny finches... Unfortunately I don't have time to get pictures of them all. :P I wish I knew what they all were.

The stars here are also amazing, and so clear. I wish I had something to identify them with, but alas, Sky Maps is not an authorized missionary app. :P

Oh yeah, I clicked "send" on the pictures last week, but we had to leave right then. And then I didn't have wifi until
 Thursday, at which point it automatically tried to resend them. I'm glad they all went through okay.

Honestly, this week was probably the roughest I've had. Just lots of little things building up, stress, and Satan. I've also been exhausted, blah. I'm choosing to have a better week this week, to focus on more positive, spiritual things, and to try to turn outward and serve more, instead of focusing on myself. I have an amazing support system out here. Sister Lamborn is amazing and I'm so grateful for her.  We're so lucky to have Sister Parish and Sister Angelo to be around as well. I love all three of them. And Heavenly Father is always there for all of us, in any struggle we may be having, big or seemingly insignificant. He can and will help.

Now on to the actual week!

A member picked us up from the church last Monday (Sister Guevara, we call her Sister Fanny. She's hilarious and a little crazy, haha. We love her) and took us with her to the cemetery where her mother is buried. There we met a woman about our age, who was looking for her father's grave. She found it, along with her grandfather's. She was so touched and grateful that we helped her and just that we were there with her in that moment. It was just a neat experience.
Tuesday we biked somewhere around 20 miles. It was great. :D I forgot sunscreen that day, though, and that was definitely a mistake.

We had such an amazing miracle that day. We tried visiting a less-active member the first week here, and his nonmember daughter answered the door and
 chewed us out because nobody had visited or knew that her dad was in the hospital. She was super anti and made it incredibly clear that she would never join the church. But we told the ward about him, and they donated a turkey dinner to them for Thanksgiving. She called us and was crying, incredibly grateful, and is now wanting to learn more about the church.

We got in early and had a movie night. :P Basically I watched training videos for an hour and a half and colored. We're not always super comfortable biking around at night, as some areas are not well lit and we've heard there are gangs nearby.

Wednesday was interesting. I struggled with motivation for a while. But luckily it was a service day, and I had the chance to read and pray while we waited for kids to ride the carousel. I've got so many resources and things to support and encourage me. :) If we work at the carousel again, I REALLY need to take pictures of it. It's so cool.

Thursday! Thanksgiving! Such a great day. District meeting was a little more silly and disorganized than usual, but it was fun. We were all just in a happy holiday mood. Our District Leader, Elder James, gave a really powerful thought; he told us to imagine ourselves in the Celestial room of our favorite temple, and imagine Christ talking to us about our missions. How would we feel talking to Him about who we've become? He told us that what we do and don't do has importance, but far more important is how much we grow.

We spent the whole day with the North Sisters and had THREE member meals. The Quispes had us over for lunch. Their family is awesome. I really want Crysta and their middle daughter to meet; I think they'd get along really well. We played bingo and just talked with them for a while.

Second meal, first dinner with the Hammock family. It was awesome to be part of a typical family Thanksgiving meal. That one was probably my favorite, too... One of their daughters has a 7 foot Colombian red-tailed boa. And I got to hold her. I was so excited. Sister Parish came with me and held her briefly too. I hadn't handled a snake in aaaages.

Part three, with the Guevaras. Sister Fanny and her brother and sister-in-law, plus a couple from the ward and some other random people. :P They like non-traditional Thanksgiving, and had nachos, orange chicken, and other assorted foods. We decorated their Christmas tree. I have a ton of pictures, I'll try to pick a few good ones. :) (I might just send the SD card home after Christmas, even if it's not full.)

Friday was my ONE MONTH MARK. (Forgot to tell y'all, MTC time doesn't count.) We celebrated by staying inside the house and planning all day. :P

The Guevaras also gave us a Christmas tree that they don't use, so we decorated that day! We bought some lights for around the house too. Having decorations around makes me so happy. I just want to get a couple fun ornaments, instead of just baubles.

Saturday we visited our investigator and his family. They're so cool. We taught him about the Word of Wisdom. This week we've been sending him motivational texts every day. But he's not struggling at all. He and his wife both say that once they decide to quit something, that's it. It's not a temptation any more. He still hasn't been to church yet, unfortunately. She was sick a couple weeks ago and he was sick this week. :(

Tried to find some people in the super south part of our area, with the help of a member. That area is impossible to reach by bike (no sidewalks, 50 mph roads) and eats miles if we don't have a specific purpose. Nobody really answered or wanted to talk to us.

We had dinner with a less-active family, and they fed us SO MUCH. We were dying, oh my goodness. We taught the Plan of Salvation to their kids and had them draw the different points while we talked about it. It was certainly an exercise in patience, haha. They had fun though and their parents appreciated it, and were glad to sit down and have dinner with us.

Sunday started out kinda meh but turned out fantastic. We biked a bit. A couple of the cranes flew directly behind me and made their dinosaur noise, which was terrifying and made me laugh so hard. (Look up the noise sandhill cranes make. It's my favorite thing.) And then my skirt got caught in my bike. That was certainly interesting.

Church was amazing though. One of our investigators came with her 17 year old son and 4 year old daughter (SUCH a cutie. She was so good the whole time), and a neighbor. Her husband couldn't make it. We're working on their understanding of Priesthood restoration and that our church is the only true and living church... But she really enjoyed all the meetings. She said it felt familiar and peaceful. I can't remember the last time I felt the Spirit that strongly in Sacrament meeting. It was great.

I think I'm the go-to for Relief Society piano now. So that's interesting. Sister Lamborn and I taught too; that was also interesting. Not my favorite thing. She thinks I'm a good teacher, I just need to actually speak and teach more.

I'm going to try and send some of my favorite pictures from this week. I hope you all have a great week! I love you and love seeing your letters and pictures during the week.


I forgot to write about this!!!! We saw our first alligator 
on Tuesday! He was about 3 feet long. 

Sister Lamborn named him Frollo. 
Wewere maybe 6 feet away from him. 
I saw another one Saturday, but just barely. 
It was dark and we were both moving. It looked HUGE though.

This is the woman who we met in the cemetery. Also Sister Fanny,
Sister Lamborn, and Sister Stevenson. 

In District Meeting, we drew ourselves surrounded by light. 
Sister Lamborn and I are the ones on the far left. 
Elder Zollinger's, at the bottom, is my favorite.

Sister Parish kept taking selfies, haha. This is the least awful.

Sister Parish and me and Missy the snake!

I was so happy. So happy.

This is my favorite picture of me, possibly ever. 
Use this onfacebook or something. 
It's the most genuine smile I've ever seen 
on myself in a picture.

The video Sister Parish took, and we didn't realize she was taking it.

Thanksgiving, we decorated at the Guevaras'.

It's so difficult to get good pictures of Sister Lamborn, haha. 
She always pulls a face.

But I get good pics of her sometimes. This is with Sister Parish.

Sister Parish and me!

They're cute and I love them.

We're all pretty great. :)

Little Olen put the star on top.

Our tree! We had to rig it up so it won't fall. 

There's only 3 feet at the bottom and 
it wants to fall over. Silly tree.

Sister Lamborn wanted a picture of the tree 
but her iPad was dead.
So I took a picture for her, haha.

I might send a couple more of the Christmas decoration ones. 
I have so many and I love them all.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Mom and dad,

Hope your week has been wonderful. Mine has been busy.
Thanks for the speaker! Can't wait to get the iPod. 

Please thank Lluvia for me!

Mom, I think it's so cool that you're volunteering in the mission
office back home! They're never going to let you go, haha. Like I
said, we need all the help we can get. :) I hope you enjoy Zone
Conference! Ours was awesome, but I'll talk about that later. It's
weird that the missionaries there have to use miles for Zone
Conference. We get miles reimbursed for things like that, so they
don't count towards the monthly allotment. If we didn't, though, we
wouldn't be able to drive for proselyting at ALL. There's so much back
and forth just to meetings and service that EATS miles.

On to this week!

Mondays are great. We just hang out with the Pleasant Hill North
Sisters (they're fantastic, we're all basically just a unit) for
shopping, etc. and then meet up with others in our Zone to talk, play,
write emails, whatever.

Our District this week has been focusing on less-active people.
Apparently all of our numbers have been boosted because of it. Sister
Lamborn and I have been focusing on them anyway, since we're still
sort of figuring out this area. There are so many cool people. Lots of
them just need fellowshipping, need to feel loved, and they're right
back at church.

Tuesday was Sister Lamborn's birthday!!! We celebrated by having
cheesecake for breakfast. With root beer, because she's 21. :P We had
to drive up to the mission office for them to take the Tiwi out of our
car (the little box that yells at us if we're going too fast, brake
too hard, etc.) because it's broken and we're going to get a new car
next transfer! Hopefully two, since car share is awful and we have 0
miles to do anything. (Car share is great because we get to spend time
with the North Sisters, but it just makes things very difficult.)
Sister Kober met us up there and gave Sister Lamborn a big gift: air
fresheners for our smoky house (hahaha. They've actually helped a
ton), and lunch for both of us!

We try to tract a little in most areas we go to, partly because miles
are precious and even if appointments fall through, we know there's a
reason for us being in those areas. Most people when we tract are
super nice, or at least courteous. (MOST.) But we had one on Tuesday
who was super interested, and we basically taught the Restoration on
her doorstep. It was so cool.

The Bishop and his family had us over for dinner. Their family is so
stinking cute. Their 4 year old daughter is the most outgoing kid; she
kept dancing for us and talking to us the whole night. She found
candles and had to be the one to put them on the cake. One single
candle and one 7.

Wednesday, service day! We got to Give Kids the World super early, and
so we got to walk around a little bit and had our pick of what to do
for the day. That place feels like a Disney park. There's that magic
in the air. :) We worked with the carousel that day! It's this cute
little carousel with assorted creatures. A snail and a turtle are
benches. There are chickens and reindeer and zebras... It's awesome.
And the kids get to ride as many times as they want; we just run it
over and over for them.

We finally met a less-active family we'd been trying to meet for a
couple weeks, and they came to church on Sunday! Their younger kids
love the missionaries. When they knew we were coming over, they
grabbed their copies of the Book of Mormon and waited on the couch.

Thursday was Zone Conference! We had a General Authority, Elder
Schwitzer and his wife. Usually they just put two Zones together, but
because he was visiting, they split the mission in half. Four Zones at
the conference. It was crazy. Car checks and flu shots (not for me,
but Sister Neff still gave me a sticker. :P) and lunch.

The Sisters heard from Sister Schwitzer first. She talked about gifts
of the Spirit and that we need to recognize and build on ours, and
prayerfully seek to develop more. That they'll help us not only on our
missions, but in the future as wives and mothers. She told us that
part of being in a companionship (on a mission or in a marriage) is
being worried about the other person, and using that to help and
strengthen the other person. Later she spoke to all of us. She talked
about her father; he was a Mountie and always very proud. He taught
his daughters to keep their heads up and shoulders back, and to get
going. It took him quite a while to join the church. She said that
there was one Sunday that she, as a teenager, decided that she wasn't
going to church. He told her, "You're either a member of the church,
or you're not." And then told her that she could either go to church,
or they could call and have her name removed from the records of the
church. She told us we all have a history of what we bring to the
mission. We need to remember our history and what has influenced us,
and still be ourselves in our teaching.

Elder Schwitzer talked to us for ages. I was feeling off the entire
day, and couldn't pinpoint why. But while he was speaking, I was able
to focus and feel normal. Went back to feeling gross that evening. But
that couple hours of clarity was needed.

He told us that we need to help investigators overcome their fears
with friends. They need support, they need love! I took from that that
to overcome fears of talking to people, I need to see people as
friends. He gave us great advice about inviting people to be baptized.
He also told us that repentance gives us greater confidence and
courage, which will help us in testifying.

I don't remember what happened on Friday, other than planning. Lots of
planning. We didn't really leave the house until evening, because we
also had companion inventory early in the day. We talked for around an
hour, I think. Just addressed some things and tried to boost each
other. It was necessary.

Then we started exchanges super late. The STLs (Sister Training
Leaders) underestimated just how far out of the way Poinciana is.
Sister Lamborn stayed in our area with Sister Christensen, and I went
up to the Lake Nona area with Sister O'Hara. We got to their apartment
about 10:45, haha.

So Saturday was a huge adventure! I saw an armadillo in the morning
(the past few weeks I've also seen a deer, wild hogs, ospreys... I
love it here). Sister O'Hara is the most happy, enthusiastic person.
We did a bunch of service for a couple less-active members. Taught a
lesson to two girls, around 12 and 8 years old. Their mother is
less-active, but their grandma takes them to church. The 12 year old
taught her Sunday School class this Sunday. She was printing out talks
and making goodie bags... She'll be a fantastic Young Women's leader

That day we had THREE DIFFERENT MEMBER MEALS. So much food. So much.
Sister O'Hara also made a super cool scriptural connection. Helaman
5:12 and 3 Nephi 18:12. That we have to build our foundation on
Christ, and then Christ said that the Sacrament is how we build upon
that rock.

I learned a ton, about myself and my role in my companionship. I'm
working on those things that I recognized. Sister O'Hara also told me
that I need to give myself credit for the things that I do well in the
day; like obedience. And that I need to account to Heavenly Father for
the good that I do, and recognize the authority and power in my
calling as a missionary.

Meanwhile in Pleasant Hill South, miracles were happening. There's a
sister who pulled up next to us in her car a while back, and told us
she was a member and to visit her. She and her around 8 year old are
recent converts, and her husband has been investigating for a while
(they also have an adorable 1 year old). He knows the Book of Mormon
is true but had some hesitations about being baptized. Earlier in the
week we picked and prayed about a date to commit him to. While I was
gone, he agreed to be baptized on the 17th of December! He's got some
stuff to work on, but we're helping him. :)

They also met with some awesome investigators we found earlier in the
week, and they're SUPER interested in learning more. Plus they found
more potentials. :) :)

Sunday was interesting. We tried to find some people in the morning.
We had an interesting experience with an old Spanish-speaking woman
who waved us over. She knew we didn't speak Spanish, but she kept
talking to us for several minutes. Bits and pieces that I picked up
were "alone in the house", "no money", but also "God gives me
strength, fortitude, love". We gave her a pass-along card with Jesus
and she kissed it. I felt the Spirit super strongly while we were with
her. We need to get the Spanish-speaking Elders to visit her.
I was trying hard this Sunday to be a good example in church, and to
take meetings more seriously. But then we had one member talk FOREVER
about the most scattered things. Some that were perhaps not correct
doctrine. And so many people were walking in and out of Sacrament
meeting, so much was happening. And then the Gospel Principles lesson
was the law of chastity. So.

Oh, also the Relief Society (and the Bishop's wife) now knows that I
play piano. No going back.

We had two more dinners with Philippino families this week. They LOVE
feeding missionaries. But they never eat with us. They either eat off
to the side or just watch us. And then they pack up leftovers every

Today has been crazy. I'm sorry if this email is a bit scattered and
incoherent. I've just been writing bits and pieces when I can. Plus my
heart decided to start acting up this afternoon and I really don't
feel great.

We had a District P-day this morning, and went to a local flea market.
We mostly just walked around and laughed about the stuff and talked.
They do have super discounted Disney pins, though! I restrained myself
from buying all of them. :P I'll have to bring you guys there if we
visit after my mission.

And we went to Waffle House all together for lunch! I was so excited
when I saw that they have those here, haha. Checked off my mission
bucket list for the moment.

Went to the mission office again, we've gone shopping... We got
Christmas lights (we're so excited for Christmas! Sister O'Hara was
too. CHRISTMAS)! And stuff to hang dry clothes, because our dryer here
did the same thing as at home; it runs but doesn't heat up.

I may not have time/internet to send pics this week. I really didn't
take that many, unfortunately. I need to start taking more pictures.

I love you all, I hope you have a great week and that it's not so crazy busy.



Christine's companion. Her mother posted a picture to honor her daughter's birthday. Happy birthday.

The pictures Christine sent on her P-day, Monday the 21st, didn't arrive in my email until Thanksgiving morning, Thursday the 24th. But I still wanted to post them in this letter.

Breakfast on Tuesday. Healthy.

Birthday girl! Wooooooo

Lunch from Sister Kober. :)

Potato moon

 This super sketchy motel that I just find funny every time we pass it.

District P-day at Waffle House! (Plus our Zone leaders)

Elder James, our District leader.

Monday, November 14, 2016

In which the Sisters stayed home for half a week--Week 7

14 November 2016

Mom and Dad!

I hope your week has been absolutely fantastic. It sounds like you're doing some fun things. Mom, I think it's so cool that you're volunteering with the mission office! We missionaries need all the help we can get, haha.

Before I forget: I didn't ever thank you for the coloring book I found in my suitcase! I love it. It helped me stay calm this week. And the pins! I didn't find those until the last day in the MTC. :) Also, I did not go to that first District meeting barefoot. I was wearing flip-flops, because I'd been wearing them around our house (the floor is a little gross).

One thing; I really would like to pay tithing on the money I got gifted after my farewell. But missionaries are supposed to do that through their home ward, and the only way I can do that is if you either mail me tithing slips so I can mail them to our Bishop, or if you use my debit card to pay it online (I don't think there's a way for me to do that myself).

I have not found pants, but I honestly haven't looked very hard. I tried on one pair at Walmart and realized they would be infinitely too long for me. We'll have to do some shopping around, but neither of us feels like spending time on that immediately. Sister Angelo bought pants and loves them.

Haha, I prefer Maruchan Ramen. :P

I'm SUPER glad I'm not around for election nonsense. What we've heard from members is enough. I hadn't heard about rioting, though.

For Christmas, could you just send me pictures? I want pictures of the family, the nieces and nephews, the mountains... Just stuff at home. A picture Meowser if you can find one.

And I was SO EXCITED to read that Tanner got his mission call!!! I was thinking about him this week, actually. So awesome! :D

On to this week! I'm sorry pictures have been such a stinking issue. Hopefully it'll work better this week. Church wifi isn't great, especially with a couple dozen missionaries writing their families at once.

Sister Lamborn started to feel super sick on Monday. :( Stomach bug/flu/Poinciana Plague. (Fever, nausea, aches... Sister Neff directed me to direct her to sleep and drink and sleep.) She was out of commission and in bed through Wednesday-ish, at which point our Wednesday evening appointments cancelled anyway, so we were effectively home-bound for three days. It was certainly interesting to figure out being a missionary from home, alone.

I had set a goal last Friday to not whine about knocking doors or making phone calls. I always do it anyway, but the bad attitude felt like an issue. Perhaps it's good that I made that goal, because phone calls were absolutely necessary while Sister Lamborn was sick. All the cancellations and rescheduling and apologizing and other miscellaneous phone calls were left to me. I. Hate. Phone. Calls. But I succeeded in just doing it and not being a baby about necessary missionary things.

It did stress me out a bit, though. Between not having my upbeat companion and having to do all the things and one rude phone call... This is where the coloring book came in and saved the day(s), haha. Also, Adjusting to Missionary Life. So helpful. ("Stress emergency? Do these things. Calm down.")

She got a blessing Monday, and again I'm so grateful for Priesthood power. The blessing was so cool.

So the first half of last week, I started reading the Doctrine and Covenants, and read I think 18 sections those few days. Along with all of Mosiah in about 2.5 days. And talks, Preach My Gospel... Read a few things that I definitely needed. I see those few days as a blessing. Obviously I'm not glad that Sister Lamborn was sick and miserable for three days, but I needed the time to rest and sort myself out spiritually. I ran across so many things while studying those few days that were meant for me to read.

Wednesday I knew she was feeling better because she starting making jokes and talking in silly voices again. :) I missed having her brightness and laughter those few days. It was so so good to have her back.

Thursday we got out of the house!!!!!!!!!! Had a great District meeting. I gave a thought on gratitude (I'd actually been looking in the TG for "thanksgiving" a few days back, so it was fine).

I really love biking so much. Florida is gorgeous. I'm figuring out gears and it's mostly just effortless on the flat, flat roads. Except when the wind is blowing like crazy. (In our last companionship inventory, Sis Lamborn actually listed "good at biking" as one of my strengths. Part of it is just how TALL my bike is.) The only thing is, biking all day and then having to sit in hard chairs for meetings isn't fun.

We had our first real sit-down lesson. The people down here are so interesting, and it makes for some fun conversations.

Sister Clark approved us to have a sleepover with the Pleasant Hill North Sisters (have I said their names? Sisters Parish and Angelo) on Thursday night. :D Because they had the car that week, and Sister Lamborn and I had to be at a trainer follow-up meeting early Friday morning. At the Stake center. It's about 20 minutes from our house to the other Sisters and about 45 min to an hour to the Stake center. So it would have been a big ol waste of time to have them drive down to pick us up, and we would have had to get up suuuper early. It was way fun to spend the night and talk with them. Sister Parish did my nails. We were incredibly disobedient and got to bed after 12, oops. :P

Sister Angelo made cinnamon pancakes for us in the morning, and they were absolutely delicious. I'm starting to actually like having breakfast, and it feels weird.

The trainer follow-up was basically just "How have the past three weeks been? Are you still alive? Are you dealing with stress?" Mostly it was just great to see Sister Sorensen and the others we came out with again. :)

We finally got into the huge gated senior retirement community here. Solivita. Met with a sweet less-active woman who basically doesn't come because of her health; she can't sit on church chairs all day. She was so great though. She decorates eggs. Like, carves them with a drill, makes intricate details and doors and mechanisms. All different kinds of eggs, too. Ostrich, emu, goose... It was so cool.

And we had dinner with a new Solivita couple, the Chapmans. They are FANTASTIC. He was an ER doctor and they've worked with BYU in Jerusalem. They're so willing to feed us whenever, to come out with us whenever... The best member missionaries we could have asked for.

Friday we biked all the day and met some really cool people. Did some service for a less-active sister who loooves to talk. She fed us too, which was nice. And this weekend was Stake Conference! (I didn't bring my notes unfortunately, but I'll try and remember some of the cool stuff.) We snagged a ride to the adult session with one of the cool members down here and her less-active husband. There was a brother who talked about prayer and how awesome it is, that we should never take it for granted and we should always tell Heavenly Father how much we love Him. Elder Juan A. Uceda was at both sessions. (He's the one that gave the talk "The Lord Jesus Christ Teaches Us to Pray" in this last General Conference.) He spoke about his conversion story, and meeting his wife. She wanted to be married in the temple, and at the time the closest temple to his home in Peru was the Los Angeles temple. When the Sao Paolo, Brazil temple was announced, they saved for years and years to be able to go. She refused to be married anywhere except the temple. When they finally had enough money, it took them 21 days in total to get there and get home.

President and Sister Clark also spoke in both sessions. And the new Orlando temple president and his wife. There was a sweet little boy who talked about his conversion story and how prayer has helped him and his family. (I really wish I had my notes. :( I also haven't written in my journal the past couple of days, it's been too late. :( :( ) There was a lot about missionary work.

We met a sister earlier in the week, she pulled up to a stop sign and told us she was new in the area, please visit her. So we went by on Sunday. She's so so sweet. She recognizes that she's been missing the Spirit in her life from not going to church or slipping up on little things, and she wants to have that back. Her husband knows that the Book of Mormon is true, but is a little hesitant to be baptized. We're excited to teach him.

A Philippino family invited all of us to dinner. Their food is interesting. Dunno if you guys have tried that kind of stuff before, but you'd like it.

There's always so much that happens during the week and no way to write it all. (You wouldn't want to read these letters if I did.)

I know that God knows and loves us personally. He knows what will best help us. We have to put in the effort to ask and seek.

The scriptures are great. There's so much peace and knowledge contained in those pages. I don't know how I've never tried to read D&C. It's awesome.

I love reading your letters through the week. I love getting pictures. I love you all. :)



Including pictures that cover the past few weeks:

This picture basically sums up week one. I love it.
(Airing out the house, and the window slammed shut.)

I wish it said Wallaby Way. We live on the animal streets. There are also fish streets, bird streets, golf streets...

Our first "real" meal. (We've eaten better this week.) It made me smile though because I felt like it was definitely something mom would
make for dinner. :)

The Burtons in our ward made this for Halloween! So so cool!

My Zone! (And President Clark peeking out in the background.

What are these birds,do you know?

Sister Kober sent this photo.

Oh yeah, this is me at a baby shower at which I won many useless things for a missionary. The bag has a candle. Useless. :)

The turkeys are from Sister Lamborn's mom.

Most of these are just gorgeous Florida sunsets. I need to take more pictures.

I took some of these while riding my bike. I do not recommend taking pictures while riding a bike.

Food after our sleepover, and Sister Parish being fabulous